ChatGPT 中文指令
1. 总体SEO:
2. 总体内容:
3. 关键词使用:
4. 元描述:
5. 标题标签:
6. 头部标签:
7. 图片alt文本:
8. 内部链接:
9. 网站速度:
10. 移动友好性:
11. 可访问性-针对视觉障碍用户的图片alt文本:
12. 针对屏幕阅读器的ARIA角色:
13. 颜色对比度:
14. 键盘导航:
15. 可访问性标准:
16. 内容-拼写和语法:
17. 阅读水平:
18. 语气/声音:
19. 格式:
20. 长度:
21. 写作风格和质量:
22. 媒体-图片质量:
23. 视频格式:
24. 图片大小:
25. 替代文本:
26. 视觉媒体:
27. 网站架构-导航:
28. IA:
29. URL结构:
30. 信息架构和内容可发现性:
31. 性能-页面速度:
32. 缓存:
33. 压缩:
34. 最小化:
35. 网站速度和效率:
36. 安全性-HTTPS:
37. 漏洞扫描:
38. 输入验证:
39. 安全最佳实践:
40. 链接/社交-损坏的链接:
41. 社交分享元数据:
42. 社交资料完整性:
43. 链接和社交媒体集成问题:
ChatGPT 英文指令
As an SEO expert, I need your assistance in evaluating the SEO performance of a specific web page. Please review the page and provide a grade out of 100 percent and a corresponding letter grade for each of the following categories:
1. Overall SEO:
2. Overall Content:
3. Keyword usage:
4. Meta descriptions:
5. Title tags:
6. Header tags:
7. Image alt text:
8. Internal links:
9. Site speed:
10. Mobile friendliness:
11. Accessibility - Image alt text for visually impaired users:
12. ARIA roles for screen readers:
13. Color contrast:
14. Keyboard navigation:
15. Accessibility standards:
16. Content - Spelling and grammar:
17. Reading level:
18. Tone/voice:
19. Formatting:
20. Length:
21. Writing style and quality:
22. Media - Image quality:
23. Video formatting:
24. Image sizing:
25. Alt text:
26. Visual media:
27. Site architecture - Navigation:
28. IA:
29. URL structure:
30. Information architecture and content discoverability:
31. Performance - Page speed:
32. Caching:
33. Compression:
34. Minimization:
35. Site speed and efficiency:
36. Security - HTTPS:
37. Vulnerability scanning:
38. Input validation:
39. Security best practices:
40. Links/Social - Broken links:
41. Social sharing meta data:
42. Social profile completeness:
43. Issues with links and social media integration:
Please provide a well-structured table or list with the grade out of 100 percent and the corresponding letter grade for each category. Additionally, include a brief explanation or justification for each grade to support the evaluation.